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Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert certification

Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert certification

Master basics of APIs and interacting with them using Postman

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About this course

Pre-requisites: none

You are starting in the right place! 

There are no pre-requisites to get started - you don't even have to know what API stands for. By the end of this course you will earn a digital badge certifying that you understand:

  • What APIs are and why they are crucial to modern software development
  • How to use Postman to work with APIs
  • How to interact with a real-world API 
  • How Postman helps you incorporate APIs into your applications

By assuming the role of a digital librarian, you'll get hands-on experience calling an API with the industry's leading API tooling and walk away with the confidence to start using APIs out in the real world. 



  • Welcome
  • Before you start
  • Register as a Postman Student
  • What are APIs?
  • Application Programming Interfaces
  • APIs - A Digital Restaurant
  • Types of APIs
  • Quiz #1: What Are APIs?
  • Introducing Postman
  • An API Platform
  • The API First World
  • Getting started with Postman
  • Quiz #2 Introducing Postman
  • Your First API Request
  • Task: Create a workspace
  • Task: Create a collection
  • Task: Get books from the Library API
  • Request-Response pattern
  • Quiz #3: Your First API Request
  • Request Parameters
  • Variables in Postman
  • Query parameters
  • Task: Search books by genre
  • Task: Multiple query parameters
  • Path Variable
  • Task: Get a book by id
  • Quiz #4: Query vs. path parameters
  • Sending data with POST
  • Task: Add a book
  • Task: Add an authorization header
  • Task: Use Postman Auth instead!
  • Quiz #5: Sending Data With Postman
  • Introduction to variables and scripting
  • Variables in Postman (Continued)
  • Setting variables programmatically
  • Task: Your first script
  • Task: Grab the new book id
  • Halfway Test
  • Quiz #6: Intro to Variables
  • Task: Checkout your book
  • Task: Delete your book
  • Generating code
  • Postman's codegen feature
  • Wrapping Up
  • Skillcheck (required)
  • Recap
  • Submit your Postman collection
  • Claim your badge!
  • Feedback
  • Postman Student Expert | Frequently Asked Questions
  • Postman Student Expert | Frequently Asked Questions

About this course

Pre-requisites: none

You are starting in the right place! 

There are no pre-requisites to get started - you don't even have to know what API stands for. By the end of this course you will earn a digital badge certifying that you understand:

  • What APIs are and why they are crucial to modern software development
  • How to use Postman to work with APIs
  • How to interact with a real-world API 
  • How Postman helps you incorporate APIs into your applications

By assuming the role of a digital librarian, you'll get hands-on experience calling an API with the industry's leading API tooling and walk away with the confidence to start using APIs out in the real world. 



  • Welcome
  • Before you start
  • Register as a Postman Student
  • What are APIs?
  • Application Programming Interfaces
  • APIs - A Digital Restaurant
  • Types of APIs
  • Quiz #1: What Are APIs?
  • Introducing Postman
  • An API Platform
  • The API First World
  • Getting started with Postman
  • Quiz #2 Introducing Postman
  • Your First API Request
  • Task: Create a workspace
  • Task: Create a collection
  • Task: Get books from the Library API
  • Request-Response pattern
  • Quiz #3: Your First API Request
  • Request Parameters
  • Variables in Postman
  • Query parameters
  • Task: Search books by genre
  • Task: Multiple query parameters
  • Path Variable
  • Task: Get a book by id
  • Quiz #4: Query vs. path parameters
  • Sending data with POST
  • Task: Add a book
  • Task: Add an authorization header
  • Task: Use Postman Auth instead!
  • Quiz #5: Sending Data With Postman
  • Introduction to variables and scripting
  • Variables in Postman (Continued)
  • Setting variables programmatically
  • Task: Your first script
  • Task: Grab the new book id
  • Halfway Test
  • Quiz #6: Intro to Variables
  • Task: Checkout your book
  • Task: Delete your book
  • Generating code
  • Postman's codegen feature
  • Wrapping Up
  • Skillcheck (required)
  • Recap
  • Submit your Postman collection
  • Claim your badge!
  • Feedback
  • Postman Student Expert | Frequently Asked Questions
  • Postman Student Expert | Frequently Asked Questions