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[Private] Deep Dive Into API Prototyping and Testing with Postman v10 (201)

[Private] Deep Dive Into API Prototyping and Testing with Postman v10 (201)

In this 8-hour workshop, learn about advanced scripting, dynamic variables and contextual mock responses. Create complex API prototypes, detailed documentation, and advanced tests. Leverage the Private API Network to find, publish and manage your internal APIs.

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About this workshop

What You'll Learn

After completing this workshop, learners will be able to:

  • Design and prototype APIs using mock servers
  • Utilize dynamic variables to generate realistic sample data when mocking and testing
  • Leverage the Private API Network to find, publish and manage your internal APIs
  • Create complex integration test suites using JavaScript
  • Automate testing with the Collection Runner and Postman CLI
  • Create detailed workflow documentation
  • Use contextual mock responses to access data from the body of the incoming request and return that data in the response

What You Should Know Beforehand

  • Basic understanding of HTTP
  • Basic understanding of REST APIs
  • Basic understanding of Postman
  • Basic understanding of mocking in Postman
  • Ability to work with collections and requests in Postman
  • Ability to create workspaces in Postman
  • Ability to create and set variables at multiple scopes in Postman

Who Is This For

This workshop is ideal for technical QA and API engineer learners who want more advanced prototyping, scripting, testing, and API management techniques.


  • Know before you book
  • Ready to book?

About this workshop

What You'll Learn

After completing this workshop, learners will be able to:

  • Design and prototype APIs using mock servers
  • Utilize dynamic variables to generate realistic sample data when mocking and testing
  • Leverage the Private API Network to find, publish and manage your internal APIs
  • Create complex integration test suites using JavaScript
  • Automate testing with the Collection Runner and Postman CLI
  • Create detailed workflow documentation
  • Use contextual mock responses to access data from the body of the incoming request and return that data in the response

What You Should Know Beforehand

  • Basic understanding of HTTP
  • Basic understanding of REST APIs
  • Basic understanding of Postman
  • Basic understanding of mocking in Postman
  • Ability to work with collections and requests in Postman
  • Ability to create workspaces in Postman
  • Ability to create and set variables at multiple scopes in Postman

Who Is This For

This workshop is ideal for technical QA and API engineer learners who want more advanced prototyping, scripting, testing, and API management techniques.


  • Know before you book
  • Ready to book?