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[Private] Mastering Collaborative API Development with Postman v10 (101)

[Private] Mastering Collaborative API Development with Postman v10 (101)

In this 8-hour workshop, learn how workspaces and collections accelerate API development. Complete fundamental API tasks, including discovering, consuming, documenting, testing and monitoring APIs in Postman.

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About this workshop

What You'll Learn

After completing this workshop, learners will be able to:

  • Discover and consume APIs in Postman
  • Utilize different workspace types effectively
  • Create forks and merge pull requests to collaborate on collections and other API resources
  • Work with collection and environment variables
  • Use and create documentation efficiently
  • Use code snippets to create functional tests
  • Automate testing with the Collection Runner

What You Should Know Beforehand

  • Basic understanding of HTTP
  • Basic understanding of REST APIs
  • Basic understanding of Postman

Who Is This For

This workshop is ideal for anyone who works in Postman as part of a team.


  • Know before you book
  • Ready to book?

About this workshop

What You'll Learn

After completing this workshop, learners will be able to:

  • Discover and consume APIs in Postman
  • Utilize different workspace types effectively
  • Create forks and merge pull requests to collaborate on collections and other API resources
  • Work with collection and environment variables
  • Use and create documentation efficiently
  • Use code snippets to create functional tests
  • Automate testing with the Collection Runner

What You Should Know Beforehand

  • Basic understanding of HTTP
  • Basic understanding of REST APIs
  • Basic understanding of Postman

Who Is This For

This workshop is ideal for anyone who works in Postman as part of a team.


  • Know before you book
  • Ready to book?