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Postman Student Expert | Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

  1. Submission Errors
  2. Badging
  3. Academy and Login

Generate Postman Library API v2 JSON Collection URL

Submission Errors:

Q. I am not able to complete Task number 6 in Skillcheck. How to write the script to set the variable?


Identify the path to the "actorName" property. The JSON data has a nested structure, so you must understand the path to access the desired property. In this case, the "actorName" is nested within the "data" object.

Use dot notation or bracket notation. JavaScript provides two ways to access the properties of objects: dot notation and bracket notation. Dot notation is preferred for simple property names, while bracket notation is helpful for dynamic property names or when property names contain special characters.

Example JSON:

    "name": "Ali Mustufa"
            "title": "Senior Developer Advocate"

The code would look like

const name =;

Q. I am getting a 500 Internal server error. The message in the body reads “Invalid URL” or “Error: runtime:extensions~request: request URL is empty”.


It is most likely that your error is generated because the {{submission}} variable is not set. Please follow along with this quick GIF to set the collection variable and get your test results.


Q. I am getting a 424 dependency error when I submit the collection using the submit request?


This indicates there are errors in your collection, please go back to your final test collection and read the error messages and try solving them by revisiting the lessons. If you are unable to understand the error messages this regex cheat code can help you decode the error better.

Q. How do I test my collection and unlock the “Claim your badge” lesson?


Please refer to this video to help you Submit your Postman collection: 

Q. I got a 404 error in the submission request. How do I resolve it?


If you see an error on the submission page, it could be because the email you're using differs from the one you used on Postman Academy. No worries - just double-check your email used in your Postman request and give it another go!

Q. The error message says the collection level auth is not set.

Please take a moment to review your Postman Library API v2 Collection's auth section and ensure the key and the value match as shown in the Academy. Review the Postman Auth Lesson for more information.

Q. I am getting 400 Bad request errors while sending the submit request.


This is likely because your JSON body is missing from the submit request. Please go to the submit section and copy and paste the JSON body from the lesson into your request.

Q. I see a message saying “Tokens exposed/check your inbox for an email about tokens”



No need to worry! The is simply a general warning each time you share a Postman collection that includes a token, but your security is not at risk since this is a read-only token to your generic Library API collectionthat does not require you to expose any sensitive or personal data.

Q. I need help with the skill check section. How do I complete it?


Please quickly review the corresponding lessons if you are struck at the skillcheck collection.

Step 1. Make the request - review this lesson here

Step 2. Add "movieName" - review this lesson here.

Step 3. Make a base URL variable - review this lesson here

Step 4. Use authorization - review this lesson here

Step 5. Add "actorName" and value - review this lesson here

Step 6. Set variable with test scripts - review this lesson here


Q. Why can’t I claim my badge?


Please check your spam inbox and trash folder for this confirmation email.

If you do not see this email, please check your Canvas backpack by logging in using the same email you used for Student Expert from this link. If you have difficulty creating a Canvas Badge account, contact Canvas support (link).

Q. Can I change the email shown on my badge?


While you cannot change the email shown on your badge, you can update your Canvas Badges account to allow you to access your badges from multiple emails. This is useful if you used a school email for your badge and want to continue having access to your Canvas Badges backpack after graduation. Please check Canvas support docs on how to add multiple emails to your Canvas Badges account here.

If you would like a different email to appear on the badge, please re-take the Student Expert training by signing up with that email. You can re-submit your completed collection.

Q. Can I hide my email from being shown on my badge?


Yes! We value your privacy and if for any reason, you want to hide your email on your badge you can do so on Canvas Badges. Once inside Canvas Badges, navigate to your backpack to find your API Fundamentals Student Expert badge. From there, click on Share and uncheck "Show Email Address". This will hide your email address successfully when you share from now on. Your badge can still be verified by people who already know your email, via Canvas Badges sending you an email to prove the badge is associated with you.

Q. How can I download my certificate?

Ans: Follow this GIF to download your certificate:

Login/Forget Password Help:

Q. Why can’t I login to my Postman Academy account?


If you are having login issues in Postman Academy, please contact Skilljar (our learning platform provider) directly.

Still Stuck?

If you are still stuck, send a screenshot of your request, the error message, and a short description of your issue and a solution you tried to

[PC24] Mastering Collaborative API Development with Postman
In this 8-hour, in-person workshop, learn how workspaces and collections can accelerate API development. Complete fundamental API tasks, including discovering, consuming, documenting, testing and monitoring APIs in Postman.
Not currently available
7 Modules
Deep Dive Into API Prototyping and Testing with Postman v10 (201)
In this 8-hour workshop, learn about advanced scripting, dynamic variables and contextual mock responses. Create complex API prototypes, detailed documentation, and advanced tests. Leverage the Private API Network to find, publish and manage your internal APIs.
Not currently available
6 Modules
We want to hear from you!
Once you completed all modules in the path, open this module to fill out our survey
[Unavailable] Architect - Fundamentals (101)
We're currently not accepting new bookings for this workshop. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to check out the other workshops we are currently offering.
Not currently available
7 Modules
[Unavailable] API Engineer - Fundamentals (101)
We're currently not accepting new bookings for this workshop. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to check out the other workshops we are currently offering.
Not currently available
10 Modules
What are Partner Workspaces?
Partner Workspaces enable teams to collaborate with external partners directly in Postman. In this module, you'll learn the basics of Partner Workspaces and how they can assist your organization.
10 mins
Featured Content
Collaborate effectively
Learn about the different tools that help you enable and enhance collaboration within your team
1 hour
We want to hear from you!
Once you completed all modules in the path, open this module to fill out our survey
[V9] Variables: global, environment and collection
Learn how to create variables in different scopes and understand how to choose the right scope for your variables in version 9
15 mins
v9 Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping
Collaborate at scale with Postman
Now that you've built & secured your team, learn how to collaborate at scale.
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Admin Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner
[V9] Simulate API endpoints with a mock server
Learn how to simulate API endpoints in version 9 with a mock server when you do not have a production API ready, or you do not want to run your requests against real data yet
10 mins
v9 Enterprise Essentials Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Prototyping
[V9] Teams and workspaces
Learn how to set up teams and workspaces, invite teammates and control permissions in version 9
20 mins
v9 Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping
[V9] Document APIs
Learn how to publish comprehensive documentation that helps people understand what your API does, what endpoints are available and how to successfully interact with them in version 9
25 mins
v9 Enterprise Essentials Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation
API Producers - In Orbit (v9)
Learn how to design, develop, test, document, publish, and observe APIs with an API-first mindset!
12 Modules
API Producers - Launch
Learn about the basics of APIs, the vision of the API-first world and the Postman API Platform. Then, make your first requests!
7 Modules
v9 v10
Project-Based Learning: Build an AI Text Summarizer app
Learn how to build a full-stack web app powered by AI and APIs that summarizes text, with the help of Postman.
Design API schemas
Learn how to design your API schema in version 9 directly within Postman using the API Builder
1 hour
Test APIs
Learn how to write different types of tests (including contract, integration and negative tests) to ensure that your API is working as expected in version 9
40 mins
[Observe] Reporting
Learn about how reports enable you to analyze how your team uses Postman, give you insights into the state of your APIs, and track performance and SLA adherence
3 min
Import an existing API
Learn how to import an existing API schema in version 9 from a local file or directory, a URL, raw text, a code repository, or an API gateway
10 mins
Observe APIs
Learn how to use Postman monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs in version 9
10 mins
Get started with Postbot
Learn how Postbot can help you to work faster across your API workflows!
10 mins
Featured Content
gRPC - Basics
Learn how to work with gRPC services in Postman and use the API Builder interface to create and manage your protobuf definitions
15 mins
Learn about how reports in version 9 enable you to analyze how your team uses Postman, give you insights into the state of your APIs, and track performance and SLA adherence
3 mins
Deploy APIs
Learn how to stay on top of your API deployments in Postman version 9 by connecting to an API gateway, including Amazon API Gateway and Apigee X
40 mins
[Unavailable] API Engineer - Intermediate (201)
We're currently not accepting new bookings for this workshop. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to check out the other workshops we are currently offering.
Not currently available
10 Modules
Secure your team with Postman
Now that you're built your team, learn how to secure it using Postman's administrative features.
10 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Admin Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner
gRPC and Postman
Learn how to work with gRPC services in Postman and use the API Builder interface to create and manage your protobuf definitions.
35 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner
Build your team with Postman
New to being an Admin with Postman? You'll learn the basics of setting up and managing your team.
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Admin Basic Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner
Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert
Get certified as an expert on API and Postman basics
1 Course
Student Program
Welcome Everyone!
Before you dive in, learn how to navigate Postman Academy and take a short multiple-choice quiz to test your knowledge of basic API and Postman concepts
10 mins
Collaborate effectively
Learn about the different tools that help you enable and enhance collaboration within your team in version 9
1 hour
Get started with Postman Flows
Learn how to use Postman's visual low-code API workflow designer to chain requests, handle data, and create business workflows in your Postman workspace.
Not currently available
1 hour
Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Prototyping Featured Content
Discover, fork and try out APIs
Learn about the Public API Network, discover, fork and try out existing APIs in version 9
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
API Beginner
Learn about the basics of APIs, the vision of the API-first world and the Postman API Platform. Then, make your first requests!
7 Modules
API Beginner API Beginner Path
API Gateways and CI/CD pipelines in Postman
Learn how to stay on top of your API deployments in Postman by connecting to an API gateway and CI/CD pipeline
40 mins
Testing QA Engineer API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate
Admins manage everything within a Postman team, including team settings, members, roles, and resources in public, team, or private workspaces
4 Modules
Admin Path
OpenAPI - Basics
Learn how to design API schemas with an API-first mindset using the OpenAPI specification
1 hour
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Prototyping
Simulate API endpoints with a mock server
Learn how to simulate API endpoints with a mock server when you do not have a production API ready, or you do not want to run your requests against real data yet
30 mins
QA Engineer Product Manager API Engineer Engineer
[v10] API Builder - Basics
Learn how to use the API Builder to easily create an API and effortlessly manage the entire lifecycle of the API
30 mins
QA Engineer API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate
Postman CLI
Learn how to use Postman CLI to run your collections on the command line or the CI/CD pipeline and view the results of your collection run within your postman dashboard
20 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Prototyping
API Builder - Version control with Git
Learn how to keep and version collections and schemas next to your codebase and work on them using your team's pre-existing collaborative version control workflows
30 mins
QA Engineer API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate
Requests and responses - Basics
Learn the basics of the request-response communication method using REST APIs in version 9
30 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
[V10] End-to-end testing and API contract testing in Postman
Learn how to write different tests to ensure that your API is working as expected
70 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate
Learn about the most common areas of the API lifecycle and what to expect in the API Producer Learning Path
20 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping
Document APIs
Learn how to create comprehensive documentation that helps people understand what your API does, what endpoints are available and how to successfully interact with them
25 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation
Collection-based API monitoring
Learn how to use Postman monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs
50 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Engineer
API authentication and authorization
Learn the basics of establishing authentication and authorization for your APIs in Postman
40 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Prototyping
End-to-end testing and API contract testing in Postman
Learn how to write different tests to ensure that your API is working as expected
70 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Engineer
[Private] Deep Dive Into API Prototyping and Testing with Postman v10 (201)
In this 8-hour workshop, learn about advanced scripting, dynamic variables and contextual mock responses. Create complex API prototypes, detailed documentation, and advanced tests. Leverage the Private API Network to find, publish and manage your internal APIs.
[PC24] Deep Dive Into API Prototyping and Testing with Postman
In this 8-hour, in-person workshop, join fellow API and QA engineers as we delve into scripting, dynamic variables and version control. Learn to mock and test APIs more efficiently in Postman, as well as streamline the deployment and management of your APIs.
Not currently available
7 Modules
[Unavailable] Product Manager - Fundamentals (101)
We're currently not accepting new bookings for this workshop. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to check out the other workshops we are currently offering.
Not currently available
8 Modules
[Unavailable] QA Engineer - Fundamentals (101)
We're currently not accepting new bookings for this workshop. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to check out the other workshops we are currently offering.
Not currently available
9 Modules
Getting started with Postman
Learn how to sign up for Postman, find and join teams, and get comfortable with the platform in version 9
10 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Enforce API Security and Governance
Learn about Security and Governance rules and how they enable you to create better and more secure APIs that follow industry best practices
15 mins
API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate
[Private] Mastering Collaborative API Development with Postman v10 (101)
In this 8-hour workshop, learn how workspaces and collections accelerate API development. Complete fundamental API tasks, including discovering, consuming, documenting, testing and monitoring APIs in Postman.
What is an API?
Learn about history, architecture and future of APIs for Postman v9
20 mins
Professional Testing Basic Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Requests and responses - Intermediate
Learn more about the requests and responses, and continue building your library in version 9
1 hour
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
What is Postman?
Understand the purpose and benefits of the Postman API platform in version 9
20 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
API Builder - Basics
Learn how to use the API Builder to easily create an API and effortlessly manage the entire lifecycle of the API
30 mins
QA Engineer API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Engineer
GraphQL for Postman
Learn how to work with the GraphQL interface in Postman to create requests, edit queries and load GraphQL specific schemas.
35 mins
api producers Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner
Discover, fork and try out APIs
Learn about the Public API Network, discover, fork and try out existing APIs.
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Engineer Learning Path
Learn how API-first companies define, design, develop, document, test, secure, deploy, observe and distribute high-quality APIs in Postman
20 Modules
Engineer Engineer Path
Mastering Collaborative API Development with Postman v10 (101)
In this 8-hour workshop, learn how workspaces and collections accelerate API development. Complete fundamental API tasks, including discovering, consuming, documenting, testing and monitoring APIs in Postman.
Not currently available
6 Modules
Variables: global, environment and collection
Learn how to create variable in different scopes and understand how to choose the right scope for your variables
20 mins
QA Engineer Product Manager API Engineer Engineer
What is an API?
Learn about history, architecture and future of APIs
20 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Publish your APIs to the Postman API Network
Learn how to share your public, private and partner APIs on the Postman API Network
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping Engineer
[V10] Publish your APIs to the Postman API Network
Learn how to share your public, private and partner APIs on the Postman API Network
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping
[V10] Collection-based API monitoring
Learn how to use Postman monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs
50 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate
[V10] Variables: global, environment and collection
Learn how to create variable in different scopes and understand how to choose the right scope for your variables
20 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping
[V10] Teams and workspaces
Learn how to set up teams and workspaces, invite teammates and control permissions to effectively access everything you need to design and bring an API to life
45 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping
[V10] Simulate API endpoints with a mock server
Learn how to simulate API endpoints with a mock server when you do not have a production API ready, or you do not want to run your requests against real data yet
30 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Prototyping
What is Postman?
Understand the purpose and benefits of the Postman API platform.
25 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Requests and responses - Basics
Learn the basics of the request-response communication method using REST APIs
30 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Requests and responses - Intermediate
Learn more about the requests and responses, and continue building your library
1 hour
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Teams and workspaces
Learn how to set up teams and workspaces, invite teammates and control permissions to effectively access everything you need to design and bring an API to life
45 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping Engineer
Getting started with Postman
Learn how to sign up for Postman, find and join teams, and get comfortable with the platform.
10 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Configuring variables and environments
Learn how to work with different types of variables for sharing information with your teammates
Not currently available
30 mins
Documenting an existing API
Learn how to create comprehensive documentation that helps people understand what your API does, what endpoints are available and how to successfully interact with them
Not currently available
50 mins
Claim your badge: QA Engineer - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Testing an API you created
Learn how to use test snippets and write your own tests for a new API
Not currently available
40 mins
Automating your work to scale its impact
Learn how to use monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs
Not currently available
30 mins
Workshop Introduction
Learn about how the Postman API platform enables customers to streamline their workflows at every stage of the API lifecycle
Not currently available
30 mins
QA Engineer - Fundamentals (101) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Discovering and evaluating APIs
Learn how to set up workspaces, invite teammates and collaborate together to discover and evaluate APIs
Not currently available
40 mins
Testing an API you depend on
Learn how to add tests to requests, and build up a test suite that can be run using the Collection Runner
Not currently available
30 mins
Claim your badge: API Engineer - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
API Engineer - Fundamentals (101) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Prototyping a single API (using a collection)
Learn how to design, share, and iterate upon the design of an API from scratch
Not currently available
45 mins
Admin Learning Path - Completion Certificate
You have reached the end of the road! Now, claim your verifiable Postman Admin Learning Path Completion Certificate!
Claim your POST/CON 2024 badge: API Development Ace
Claim your limited edition badge that can only be acquired by POST/CON 2024 attendees!
Not currently available
Supercharged scripting for integration testing
Testing at it's most basic level is an opportunity to verify that your APIs work as expected. But this isn't your basic, every day testing. In this module, you'll learn how to access request and response data for discrepancy checks and use faker data to test workflows with different formats and values.
Not currently available
Contextualized workflow documentation to jump start API projects
Workflow documentation allows your end users to run use-case-specific workflows in consecutive order with no code. Who doesn't love that? In this module, you'll learn to control the request execution order, manage variable values, chain requests and insert dummy data using dynamic variables.
Not currently available
Increase API discoverability by publishing to the Private API Network
Publishing an API to the Private API Network makes viewing, testing, and evaluating your API easy for consumers, but still allows you to make changes to the original file. In this module you'll learn how to effectively utilize the Private API Network as the single source of truth for internal APIs to promote API reusability and achieve faster delivery.
Not currently available
Make collaborative ideation easy by prototyping APIs in Postman
In the case of prototyping in Postman, collaboration opens pathways to better and more consistent feedback from stakeholders. In this module, you'll learn the importance of configuring mock servers to return specific examples for testing purposes and using dynamic variables to insert dummy data for a more realistic testing experience.
Not currently available
Postbot and Postman Flows
Learn how Postbot can unlock automation by visualizing responses, adding tests to requests and generating documentation in a flash. Use Postman Flows to chain multiple API requests together and easily build real-time integrations between two API-enabled products, all within a low-code interface.
Not currently available
Claim your badge: API Development Ace
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Engineer Learning Path - Completion Certificate
You have reached the end of the road! Now, claim your verifiable Engineer Learning Path Completion Certificate!
Challenge: Publish your APIs to the Postman API Network
Learn how to share your public, private and partner APIs on the Postman API Network
15 mins
Challenge: Collection-based API monitoring
Learn how to use Postman monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs
50 mins
Challenge: End-to-end testing and API contract testing in Postman
Learn how to write different tests to ensure that your API is working as expected
70 mins
Challenge: Variables: global, environment and collection
Learn how to create variable in different scopes and understand how to choose the right scope for your variables
20 mins
Challenge: Simulate API endpoints with a mock server
Learn how to simulate API endpoints with a mock server when you do not have a production API ready, or you do not want to run your requests against real data yet
30 mins
Challenge: API Builder - Basics
Learn how to use the API Builder to easily create an API and effortlessly manage the entire lifecycle of the API
30 mins
Challenge: Teams and workspaces
Learn how to set up teams and workspaces, invite teammates and control permissions to effectively access everything you need to design and bring an API to life
45 mins
Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert certification
Master basics of APIs and interacting with them using Postman
We want to hear from you!
Once you completed all modules in the path, open this module to fill out our survey
Iterating based on customer feedback
Learn how to gather metrics from published resources to iterate based on customer feedback
Not currently available
35 mins
Distributing your first collection
Learn how to publish a collection to the Public API Network and distribute it via Run in Postman buttons
Not currently available
45 mins
Claim your badge: Product Manager - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Product Manager - Fundamentals (101) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Integrating with a version control system (VCS)
Learn how to connect Postman and a version control system to facilitate efficient collaboration and ensure all team members are working with the most up-to-date resources
Not currently available
45 mins
Publishing and managing internal APIs
Learn how to effectively utilize the Private API Network as the single source of truth for internal APIs to promote API reusability and achieve faster delivery
Not currently available
50 mins
API Engineer - Intermediate (201) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Claim your badge: API Engineer - 201
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Running and managing mock servers
Learn how to configure mock servers to return specific examples for testing purposes and use dynamic variables to insert dummy data for a more realistic testing experience
Not currently available
65 mins
Postman Version Control
Learn how to fork & merge collections and environments in Postman for better collaboration
Not currently available
45 mins
Testing API Functionality
Learn how to access request and response data for discrepancy checks, use external libraries to add additional functionality to the Postman Sandbox, and run tests via the Postman CLI for efficient pipeline integration
Not currently available
60 mins
Building use cases & workflows
Learn how to use scripts to control the request execution order, manage variable values, send requests, chain requests, branch, loop, and insert dummy data using dynamic variables
Not currently available
65 mins
Streamlining API development and deployments
Learn how to use the Postman CLI to streamline API development and deployments by integrating automated Collections runs in your CI/CD pipeline
Not currently available
30 mins
Working with existing OpenAPI contracts
Learn how to import and manage existing API definitions in the Postman API Builder to generate, document, publish, and share collections for easier API discovery
Not currently available
50 mins
Wrapping up - Deep Dive Into API Prototyping and Testing with Postman v10 (201)
Give us feedback and get a voucher code for the Postman swag store!
Not currently available
5 mins
Collaboratively discovering and evaluating APIs
In this module, you'll learn how to set up workspaces, invite teammates and collaborate together to discover and evaluate APIs. Building upon this foundation, you'll see how to use variables, including scopes, types, and initial vs. current values.
Not currently available
Documentation: The key to painless API adoption
Proper documentation is the cornerstone of ensuring swift and easy adoption of your API. You can also use documentation to identify available endpoints and how to successfully interact with them. In this module, you'll learn how to accomplish all of this, as well as forking and merging collections and environments for more effective collaboration in Postman.
Not currently available
Simplifying your API testing with Postman
Testing at it's most basic level is an opportunity to verify that your APIs work as expected. In this module, you'll learn to use test snippets, write your own tests and use the collection runner to accomplish that very goal.
Not currently available
Simulating realistic API behavior with mock servers
Mocking an API enables you to simulate real behavior without actually calling or having a real API. You can easily test your various requests, and their responses, to save your team time and reduce setbacks down the line. In this module, you’ll create a mock server with a request and realistic example responses that simulate the API’s functionality.
Not currently available
Claim your POST/CON 2024 badge: API Collaboration Ace badge
Claim your limited edition badge that can only be acquired by POST/CON 2024 attendees!
Not currently available
Claim your badge: API Collaboration Ace
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Wrapping up - Mastering Collaborative API Development with Postman v10 (101)
Give us feedback and get a voucher code for the Postman swag store!
Not currently available
5 mins
Defining and maintaining API contracts
Learn how to design, share, and iterate upon the design of an API
Not currently available
45 mins
Shaping API design and security using rules
Learn how to configure and enable Spectral rules to enforce governance at an enterprise scale
Not currently available
45 mins
Reporting on governance at an enterprise scale
Learn how to use reports to understand how well your team is complying with governance rules across both public and private APIs
Not currently available
30 mins
Claim your badge: Architect - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
API Beginner Learning Path - Completion Certificate
You have reached the end of the road! Now, claim your verifiable API Beginner Learning Path Completion Certificate!
Configuring variables and environments
Learn how to work with different types of variables for sharing information with your teammates
Not currently available
30 mins
Documenting an existing API
Learn how to create comprehensive documentation that helps people understand what your API does, what endpoints are available and how to successfully interact with them
Not currently available
50 mins
Claim your badge: QA Engineer - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Testing an API you created
Learn how to use test snippets and write your own tests for a new API
Not currently available
40 mins
Automating your work to scale its impact
Learn how to use monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs
Not currently available
30 mins
Workshop Introduction
Learn about how the Postman API platform enables customers to streamline their workflows at every stage of the API lifecycle
Not currently available
30 mins
QA Engineer - Fundamentals (101) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Discovering and evaluating APIs
Learn how to set up workspaces, invite teammates and collaborate together to discover and evaluate APIs
Not currently available
40 mins
Testing an API you depend on
Learn how to add tests to requests, and build up a test suite that can be run using the Collection Runner
Not currently available
30 mins
Workshop Introduction
Learn about how the Postman API platform enables customers to streamline their workflows at every stage of the API lifecycle
Not currently available
30 mins
Discovering and evaluating APIs
Learn how to set up workspaces, invite teammates and collaborate together to discover and evaluate APIs
Not currently available
40 mins
Documenting an existing API
Learn how to create comprehensive documentation that helps people understand what your API does, what endpoints are available and how to successfully interact with them
Not currently available
50 mins
Claim your badge: API Engineer - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
API Engineer - Fundamentals (101) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Testing an API you depend on
Learn how to add tests to requests, and build up a test suite that can be run using the Collection Runner
Not currently available
30 mins
Prototyping a single API (using a collection)
Learn how to design, share, and iterate upon the design of an API from scratch
Not currently available
45 mins
Automating your work to scale its impact
Learn how to use monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs
Not currently available
30 mins
Configuring variables and environments
Learn how to work with different types of variables for sharing information with your teammates
Not currently available
30 mins
Testing an API you created
Learn how to use test snippets and write your own tests for a new API
Not currently available
40 mins
What is an API?
Learn about history, architecture and future of APIs for Postman v9
20 mins
Professional Testing Basic Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
What is Postman?
Understand the purpose and benefits of the Postman API platform in version 9
20 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Getting started with Postman
Learn how to sign up for Postman, find and join teams, and get comfortable with the platform in version 9
10 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Requests and responses - Intermediate
Learn more about the requests and responses, and continue building your library in version 9
1 hour
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Requests and responses - Basics
Learn the basics of the request-response communication method using REST APIs in version 9
30 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Discover, fork and try out APIs
Learn about the Public API Network, discover, fork and try out existing APIs in version 9
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
We want to hear from you!
Once you completed all modules in the path, open this module to fill out our survey
Collaborate at scale with Postman
Now that you've built & secured your team, learn how to collaborate at scale.
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Admin Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner
Admin Learning Path - Completion Certificate
You have reached the end of the road! Now, claim your verifiable Postman Admin Learning Path Completion Certificate!
Secure your team with Postman
Now that you're built your team, learn how to secure it using Postman's administrative features.
10 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Admin Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner
Build your team with Postman
New to being an Admin with Postman? You'll learn the basics of setting up and managing your team.
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Admin Basic Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner
Claim your POST/CON 2024 badge: API Development Ace
Claim your limited edition badge that can only be acquired by POST/CON 2024 attendees!
Not currently available
Supercharged scripting for integration testing
Testing at it's most basic level is an opportunity to verify that your APIs work as expected. But this isn't your basic, every day testing. In this module, you'll learn how to access request and response data for discrepancy checks and use faker data to test workflows with different formats and values.
Not currently available
Contextualized workflow documentation to jump start API projects
Workflow documentation allows your end users to run use-case-specific workflows in consecutive order with no code. Who doesn't love that? In this module, you'll learn to control the request execution order, manage variable values, chain requests and insert dummy data using dynamic variables.
Not currently available
Increase API discoverability by publishing to the Private API Network
Publishing an API to the Private API Network makes viewing, testing, and evaluating your API easy for consumers, but still allows you to make changes to the original file. In this module you'll learn how to effectively utilize the Private API Network as the single source of truth for internal APIs to promote API reusability and achieve faster delivery.
Not currently available
Make collaborative ideation easy by prototyping APIs in Postman
In the case of prototyping in Postman, collaboration opens pathways to better and more consistent feedback from stakeholders. In this module, you'll learn the importance of configuring mock servers to return specific examples for testing purposes and using dynamic variables to insert dummy data for a more realistic testing experience.
Not currently available
Postbot and Postman Flows
Learn how Postbot can unlock automation by visualizing responses, adding tests to requests and generating documentation in a flash. Use Postman Flows to chain multiple API requests together and easily build real-time integrations between two API-enabled products, all within a low-code interface.
Not currently available
Claim your badge: API Development Ace
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Engineer Learning Path - Completion Certificate
You have reached the end of the road! Now, claim your verifiable Engineer Learning Path Completion Certificate!
Challenge: Publish your APIs to the Postman API Network
Learn how to share your public, private and partner APIs on the Postman API Network
15 mins
Publish your APIs to the Postman API Network
Learn how to share your public, private and partner APIs on the Postman API Network
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping Engineer
Challenge: Collection-based API monitoring
Learn how to use Postman monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs
50 mins
Challenge: End-to-end testing and API contract testing in Postman
Learn how to write different tests to ensure that your API is working as expected
70 mins
End-to-end testing and API contract testing in Postman
Learn how to write different tests to ensure that your API is working as expected
70 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Engineer
Challenge: Variables: global, environment and collection
Learn how to create variable in different scopes and understand how to choose the right scope for your variables
20 mins
Simulate API endpoints with a mock server
Learn how to simulate API endpoints with a mock server when you do not have a production API ready, or you do not want to run your requests against real data yet
30 mins
QA Engineer Product Manager API Engineer Engineer
Challenge: Simulate API endpoints with a mock server
Learn how to simulate API endpoints with a mock server when you do not have a production API ready, or you do not want to run your requests against real data yet
30 mins
API Builder - Basics
Learn how to use the API Builder to easily create an API and effortlessly manage the entire lifecycle of the API
30 mins
QA Engineer API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Engineer
Challenge: API Builder - Basics
Learn how to use the API Builder to easily create an API and effortlessly manage the entire lifecycle of the API
30 mins
Teams and workspaces
Learn how to set up teams and workspaces, invite teammates and control permissions to effectively access everything you need to design and bring an API to life
45 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping Engineer
Challenge: Teams and workspaces
Learn how to set up teams and workspaces, invite teammates and control permissions to effectively access everything you need to design and bring an API to life
45 mins
Learn about the most common areas of the API lifecycle and what to expect in the API Producer Learning Path
20 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping
API Builder - Version control with Git
Learn how to keep and version collections and schemas next to your codebase and work on them using your team's pre-existing collaborative version control workflows
30 mins
QA Engineer API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate
Variables: global, environment and collection
Learn how to create variable in different scopes and understand how to choose the right scope for your variables
20 mins
QA Engineer Product Manager API Engineer Engineer
Document APIs
Learn how to create comprehensive documentation that helps people understand what your API does, what endpoints are available and how to successfully interact with them
25 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation
Enforce API Security and Governance
Learn about Security and Governance rules and how they enable you to create better and more secure APIs that follow industry best practices
15 mins
API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate
API Gateways and CI/CD pipelines in Postman
Learn how to stay on top of your API deployments in Postman by connecting to an API gateway and CI/CD pipeline
40 mins
Testing QA Engineer API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate
Collection-based API monitoring
Learn how to use Postman monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs
50 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Engineer
Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert certification
Master basics of APIs and interacting with them using Postman
We want to hear from you!
Once you completed all modules in the path, open this module to fill out our survey
Learn about how reports in version 9 enable you to analyze how your team uses Postman, give you insights into the state of your APIs, and track performance and SLA adherence
3 mins
Deploy APIs
Learn how to stay on top of your API deployments in Postman version 9 by connecting to an API gateway, including Amazon API Gateway and Apigee X
40 mins
Collaborate effectively
Learn about the different tools that help you enable and enhance collaboration within your team in version 9
1 hour
[V9] Teams and workspaces
Learn how to set up teams and workspaces, invite teammates and control permissions in version 9
20 mins
v9 Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping
[V9] Document APIs
Learn how to publish comprehensive documentation that helps people understand what your API does, what endpoints are available and how to successfully interact with them in version 9
25 mins
v9 Enterprise Essentials Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation
Test APIs
Learn how to write different types of tests (including contract, integration and negative tests) to ensure that your API is working as expected in version 9
40 mins
Import an existing API
Learn how to import an existing API schema in version 9 from a local file or directory, a URL, raw text, a code repository, or an API gateway
10 mins
Design API schemas
Learn how to design your API schema in version 9 directly within Postman using the API Builder
1 hour
[V9] Simulate API endpoints with a mock server
Learn how to simulate API endpoints in version 9 with a mock server when you do not have a production API ready, or you do not want to run your requests against real data yet
10 mins
v9 Enterprise Essentials Professional QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Prototyping
[V9] Variables: global, environment and collection
Learn how to create variables in different scopes and understand how to choose the right scope for your variables in version 9
15 mins
v9 Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Architect Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Intermediate Documentation Prototyping
Observe APIs
Learn how to use Postman monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs in version 9
10 mins
Configuring variables and environments
Learn how to work with different types of variables for sharing information with your teammates
Not currently available
30 mins
Prototyping a single API (using a collection)
Learn how to design, share, and iterate upon the design of an API from scratch
Not currently available
45 mins
Discovering and evaluating APIs
Learn how to set up workspaces, invite teammates and collaborate together to discover and evaluate APIs
Not currently available
40 mins
Iterating based on customer feedback
Learn how to gather metrics from published resources to iterate based on customer feedback
Not currently available
35 mins
Distributing your first collection
Learn how to publish a collection to the Public API Network and distribute it via Run in Postman buttons
Not currently available
45 mins
Workshop Introduction
Learn about how the Postman API platform enables customers to streamline their workflows at every stage of the API lifecycle
Not currently available
30 mins
Claim your badge: Product Manager - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Product Manager - Fundamentals (101) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Integrating with a version control system (VCS)
Learn how to connect Postman and a version control system to facilitate efficient collaboration and ensure all team members are working with the most up-to-date resources
Not currently available
45 mins
Publishing and managing internal APIs
Learn how to effectively utilize the Private API Network as the single source of truth for internal APIs to promote API reusability and achieve faster delivery
Not currently available
50 mins
API Engineer - Intermediate (201) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Claim your badge: API Engineer - 201
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Running and managing mock servers
Learn how to configure mock servers to return specific examples for testing purposes and use dynamic variables to insert dummy data for a more realistic testing experience
Not currently available
65 mins
Postman Version Control
Learn how to fork & merge collections and environments in Postman for better collaboration
Not currently available
45 mins
Testing API Functionality
Learn how to access request and response data for discrepancy checks, use external libraries to add additional functionality to the Postman Sandbox, and run tests via the Postman CLI for efficient pipeline integration
Not currently available
60 mins
Building use cases & workflows
Learn how to use scripts to control the request execution order, manage variable values, send requests, chain requests, branch, loop, and insert dummy data using dynamic variables
Not currently available
65 mins
Streamlining API development and deployments
Learn how to use the Postman CLI to streamline API development and deployments by integrating automated Collections runs in your CI/CD pipeline
Not currently available
30 mins
Working with existing OpenAPI contracts
Learn how to import and manage existing API definitions in the Postman API Builder to generate, document, publish, and share collections for easier API discovery
Not currently available
50 mins
Claim your badge: API Development Ace
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Supercharged scripting for integration testing
Testing at it's most basic level is an opportunity to verify that your APIs work as expected. But this isn't your basic, every day testing. In this module, you'll learn how to access request and response data for discrepancy checks and use faker data to test workflows with different formats and values.
Not currently available
Make collaborative ideation easy by prototyping APIs in Postman
In the case of prototyping in Postman, collaboration opens pathways to better and more consistent feedback from stakeholders. In this module, you'll learn the importance of configuring mock servers to return specific examples for testing purposes and using dynamic variables to insert dummy data for a more realistic testing experience.
Not currently available
Contextualized workflow documentation to jump start API projects
Workflow documentation allows your end users to run use-case-specific workflows in consecutive order with no code. Who doesn't love that? In this module, you'll learn to control the request execution order, manage variable values, chain requests and insert dummy data using dynamic variables.
Not currently available
Increase API discoverability by publishing to the Private API Network
Publishing an API to the Private API Network makes viewing, testing, and evaluating your API easy for consumers, but still allows you to make changes to the original file. In this module you'll learn how to effectively utilize the Private API Network as the single source of truth for internal APIs to promote API reusability and achieve faster delivery.
Not currently available
Wrapping up - Deep Dive Into API Prototyping and Testing with Postman v10 (201)
Give us feedback and get a voucher code for the Postman swag store!
Not currently available
5 mins
Collaboratively discovering and evaluating APIs
In this module, you'll learn how to set up workspaces, invite teammates and collaborate together to discover and evaluate APIs. Building upon this foundation, you'll see how to use variables, including scopes, types, and initial vs. current values.
Not currently available
Documentation: The key to painless API adoption
Proper documentation is the cornerstone of ensuring swift and easy adoption of your API. You can also use documentation to identify available endpoints and how to successfully interact with them. In this module, you'll learn how to accomplish all of this, as well as forking and merging collections and environments for more effective collaboration in Postman.
Not currently available
Simplifying your API testing with Postman
Testing at it's most basic level is an opportunity to verify that your APIs work as expected. In this module, you'll learn to use test snippets, write your own tests and use the collection runner to accomplish that very goal.
Not currently available
Simulating realistic API behavior with mock servers
Mocking an API enables you to simulate real behavior without actually calling or having a real API. You can easily test your various requests, and their responses, to save your team time and reduce setbacks down the line. In this module, you’ll create a mock server with a request and realistic example responses that simulate the API’s functionality.
Not currently available
Postbot and Postman Flows
Learn how Postbot can unlock automation by visualizing responses, adding tests to requests and generating documentation in a flash. Use Postman Flows to chain multiple API requests together and easily build real-time integrations between two API-enabled products, all within a low-code interface.
Not currently available
Claim your POST/CON 2024 badge: API Collaboration Ace badge
Claim your limited edition badge that can only be acquired by POST/CON 2024 attendees!
Not currently available
Claim your badge: API Collaboration Ace
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Claim your badge: API Collaboration Ace
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Documentation: The key to painless API adoption
Proper documentation is the cornerstone of ensuring swift and easy adoption of your API. You can also use documentation to identify available endpoints and how to successfully interact with them. In this module, you'll learn how to accomplish all of this, as well as forking and merging collections and environments for more effective collaboration in Postman.
Not currently available
Simulating realistic API behavior with mock servers
Mocking an API enables you to simulate real behavior without actually calling or having a real API. You can easily test your various requests, and their responses, to save your team time and reduce setbacks down the line. In this module, you’ll create a mock server with a request and realistic example responses that simulate the API’s functionality.
Not currently available
Simplifying your API testing with Postman
Testing at it's most basic level is an opportunity to verify that your APIs work as expected. In this module, you'll learn to use test snippets, write your own tests and use the collection runner to accomplish that very goal.
Not currently available
Collaboratively discovering and evaluating APIs
In this module, you'll learn how to set up workspaces, invite teammates and collaborate together to discover and evaluate APIs. Building upon this foundation, you'll see how to use variables, including scopes, types, and initial vs. current values.
Not currently available
Wrapping up - Mastering Collaborative API Development with Postman v10 (101)
Give us feedback and get a voucher code for the Postman swag store!
Not currently available
5 mins
Discovering and evaluating APIs
Learn how to set up workspaces, invite teammates and collaborate together to discover and evaluate APIs
Not currently available
40 mins
Workshop Introduction
Learn about how the Postman API platform enables customers to streamline their workflows at every stage of the API lifecycle
Not currently available
30 mins
Defining and maintaining API contracts
Learn how to design, share, and iterate upon the design of an API
Not currently available
45 mins
Shaping API design and security using rules
Learn how to configure and enable Spectral rules to enforce governance at an enterprise scale
Not currently available
45 mins
Reporting on governance at an enterprise scale
Learn how to use reports to understand how well your team is complying with governance rules across both public and private APIs
Not currently available
30 mins
Claim your badge: Architect - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Configuring variables and environments
Learn how to work with different types of variables for sharing information with your teammates
Not currently available
30 mins
What is an API?
Learn about history, architecture and future of APIs
20 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
What is Postman?
Understand the purpose and benefits of the Postman API platform.
25 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Getting started with Postman
Learn how to sign up for Postman, find and join teams, and get comfortable with the platform.
10 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Discover, fork and try out APIs
Learn about the Public API Network, discover, fork and try out existing APIs.
15 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic Product Manager API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Requests and responses - Basics
Learn the basics of the request-response communication method using REST APIs
30 mins
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
Requests and responses - Intermediate
Learn more about the requests and responses, and continue building your library
1 hour
Enterprise Essentials Professional Testing QA Engineer Basic API Engineer Enterprise Essentials: Internal API Management Enterprise Essentials: API Test Automation Enterprise Ultimate Beginner Documentation Prototyping
API Beginner Learning Path - Completion Certificate
You have reached the end of the road! Now, claim your verifiable API Beginner Learning Path Completion Certificate!
Configuring variables and environments
Learn how to work with different types of variables for sharing information with your teammates
Not currently available
30 mins
Documenting an existing API
Learn how to create comprehensive documentation that helps people understand what your API does, what endpoints are available and how to successfully interact with them
Not currently available
50 mins
Claim your badge: QA Engineer - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Testing an API you created
Learn how to use test snippets and write your own tests for a new API
Not currently available
40 mins
Automating your work to scale its impact
Learn how to use monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs
Not currently available
30 mins
Workshop Introduction
Learn about how the Postman API platform enables customers to streamline their workflows at every stage of the API lifecycle
Not currently available
30 mins
QA Engineer - Fundamentals (101) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Discovering and evaluating APIs
Learn how to set up workspaces, invite teammates and collaborate together to discover and evaluate APIs
Not currently available
40 mins
Testing an API you depend on
Learn how to add tests to requests, and build up a test suite that can be run using the Collection Runner
Not currently available
30 mins
Claim your badge: API Engineer - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
API Engineer - Fundamentals (101) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Prototyping a single API (using a collection)
Learn how to design, share, and iterate upon the design of an API from scratch
Not currently available
45 mins
Admin Learning Path - Completion Certificate
You have reached the end of the road! Now, claim your verifiable Postman Admin Learning Path Completion Certificate!
Claim your POST/CON 2024 badge: API Development Ace
Claim your limited edition badge that can only be acquired by POST/CON 2024 attendees!
Not currently available
Supercharged scripting for integration testing
Testing at it's most basic level is an opportunity to verify that your APIs work as expected. But this isn't your basic, every day testing. In this module, you'll learn how to access request and response data for discrepancy checks and use faker data to test workflows with different formats and values.
Not currently available
Contextualized workflow documentation to jump start API projects
Workflow documentation allows your end users to run use-case-specific workflows in consecutive order with no code. Who doesn't love that? In this module, you'll learn to control the request execution order, manage variable values, chain requests and insert dummy data using dynamic variables.
Not currently available
Increase API discoverability by publishing to the Private API Network
Publishing an API to the Private API Network makes viewing, testing, and evaluating your API easy for consumers, but still allows you to make changes to the original file. In this module you'll learn how to effectively utilize the Private API Network as the single source of truth for internal APIs to promote API reusability and achieve faster delivery.
Not currently available
Make collaborative ideation easy by prototyping APIs in Postman
In the case of prototyping in Postman, collaboration opens pathways to better and more consistent feedback from stakeholders. In this module, you'll learn the importance of configuring mock servers to return specific examples for testing purposes and using dynamic variables to insert dummy data for a more realistic testing experience.
Not currently available
Postbot and Postman Flows
Learn how Postbot can unlock automation by visualizing responses, adding tests to requests and generating documentation in a flash. Use Postman Flows to chain multiple API requests together and easily build real-time integrations between two API-enabled products, all within a low-code interface.
Not currently available
Claim your badge: API Development Ace
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Engineer Learning Path - Completion Certificate
You have reached the end of the road! Now, claim your verifiable Engineer Learning Path Completion Certificate!
Challenge: Publish your APIs to the Postman API Network
Learn how to share your public, private and partner APIs on the Postman API Network
15 mins
Challenge: Collection-based API monitoring
Learn how to use Postman monitors to observe the performance and availability of your APIs
50 mins
Challenge: End-to-end testing and API contract testing in Postman
Learn how to write different tests to ensure that your API is working as expected
70 mins
Challenge: Variables: global, environment and collection
Learn how to create variable in different scopes and understand how to choose the right scope for your variables
20 mins
Challenge: Simulate API endpoints with a mock server
Learn how to simulate API endpoints with a mock server when you do not have a production API ready, or you do not want to run your requests against real data yet
30 mins
Challenge: API Builder - Basics
Learn how to use the API Builder to easily create an API and effortlessly manage the entire lifecycle of the API
30 mins
Challenge: Teams and workspaces
Learn how to set up teams and workspaces, invite teammates and control permissions to effectively access everything you need to design and bring an API to life
45 mins
Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert certification
Master basics of APIs and interacting with them using Postman
We want to hear from you!
Once you completed all modules in the path, open this module to fill out our survey
Iterating based on customer feedback
Learn how to gather metrics from published resources to iterate based on customer feedback
Not currently available
35 mins
Distributing your first collection
Learn how to publish a collection to the Public API Network and distribute it via Run in Postman buttons
Not currently available
45 mins
Claim your badge: Product Manager - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Product Manager - Fundamentals (101) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Integrating with a version control system (VCS)
Learn how to connect Postman and a version control system to facilitate efficient collaboration and ensure all team members are working with the most up-to-date resources
Not currently available
45 mins
Publishing and managing internal APIs
Learn how to effectively utilize the Private API Network as the single source of truth for internal APIs to promote API reusability and achieve faster delivery
Not currently available
50 mins
API Engineer - Intermediate (201) - Wrapping up
Give us feedback and get your digital training completion certificate!
Not currently available
5 mins
Claim your badge: API Engineer - 201
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Running and managing mock servers
Learn how to configure mock servers to return specific examples for testing purposes and use dynamic variables to insert dummy data for a more realistic testing experience
Not currently available
65 mins
Postman Version Control
Learn how to fork & merge collections and environments in Postman for better collaboration
Not currently available
45 mins
Testing API Functionality
Learn how to access request and response data for discrepancy checks, use external libraries to add additional functionality to the Postman Sandbox, and run tests via the Postman CLI for efficient pipeline integration
Not currently available
60 mins
Building use cases & workflows
Learn how to use scripts to control the request execution order, manage variable values, send requests, chain requests, branch, loop, and insert dummy data using dynamic variables
Not currently available
65 mins
Streamlining API development and deployments
Learn how to use the Postman CLI to streamline API development and deployments by integrating automated Collections runs in your CI/CD pipeline
Not currently available
30 mins
Working with existing OpenAPI contracts
Learn how to import and manage existing API definitions in the Postman API Builder to generate, document, publish, and share collections for easier API discovery
Not currently available
50 mins
Wrapping up - Deep Dive Into API Prototyping and Testing with Postman v10 (201)
Give us feedback and get a voucher code for the Postman swag store!
Not currently available
5 mins
Collaboratively discovering and evaluating APIs
In this module, you'll learn how to set up workspaces, invite teammates and collaborate together to discover and evaluate APIs. Building upon this foundation, you'll see how to use variables, including scopes, types, and initial vs. current values.
Not currently available
Documentation: The key to painless API adoption
Proper documentation is the cornerstone of ensuring swift and easy adoption of your API. You can also use documentation to identify available endpoints and how to successfully interact with them. In this module, you'll learn how to accomplish all of this, as well as forking and merging collections and environments for more effective collaboration in Postman.
Not currently available
Simplifying your API testing with Postman
Testing at it's most basic level is an opportunity to verify that your APIs work as expected. In this module, you'll learn to use test snippets, write your own tests and use the collection runner to accomplish that very goal.
Not currently available
Simulating realistic API behavior with mock servers
Mocking an API enables you to simulate real behavior without actually calling or having a real API. You can easily test your various requests, and their responses, to save your team time and reduce setbacks down the line. In this module, you’ll create a mock server with a request and realistic example responses that simulate the API’s functionality.
Not currently available
Claim your POST/CON 2024 badge: API Collaboration Ace badge
Claim your limited edition badge that can only be acquired by POST/CON 2024 attendees!
Not currently available
Claim your badge: API Collaboration Ace
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
Wrapping up - Mastering Collaborative API Development with Postman v10 (101)
Give us feedback and get a voucher code for the Postman swag store!
Not currently available
5 mins
Defining and maintaining API contracts
Learn how to design, share, and iterate upon the design of an API
Not currently available
45 mins
Shaping API design and security using rules
Learn how to configure and enable Spectral rules to enforce governance at an enterprise scale
Not currently available
45 mins
Reporting on governance at an enterprise scale
Learn how to use reports to understand how well your team is complying with governance rules across both public and private APIs
Not currently available
30 mins
Claim your badge: Architect - 101
Complete all hands-on challenges in the workshop to earn this badge!
Not currently available
API Beginner Learning Path - Completion Certificate
You have reached the end of the road! Now, claim your verifiable API Beginner Learning Path Completion Certificate!